Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nga Roopu Manukura (Mo nga whaea/matua)

Kia ora koutou katoa

Today the students of Nga Mahuri wrote a letter to the organising body of the Nga Roopu Manukura.

Over the past 2-3 weeks, staff of Te Rangianiwaniwa, have talked about an innovative and positive way in which to develop both male and female leadership within our kura.

As part of this initiative, two students will be selected from year groups 7-13 tamatane/tamawahine.  

Part of the selection process is that they must write a letter of application explaining why they should be a member of this select/elite group.

This group will be groomed as our leaders for our future years.  With that however will come responsibility and accountability.

It is envisaged that we begin to have Ira Tamatane and Ira Tamawahine times, where all tamatane, and tamawahine meet to discuss issues pertinent to them.

Application writing begun today in class, and I have been impressed with standard of these documents.

It is hoped that the selection of this group will take place before or on the final week of this term.

Papa Teimana